Corporate Members
AI for Health encourages a high level of engagement from Corporate Members. Our Corporate Members provide insight on real-world use cases, valuable financial support for research, and a path to large-scale impact.
Founding Members contribute $300,000 per year with the expectation of at least three years of membership and receive all benefits including the opportunity to inspire the research agenda through flagship projects, participate in the leadership of the Program, and engage even more deeply with the faculty and students. Companies may provide additional funding above the membership fee to support an area of on-going research with faculty participating within the program. All research results arising from the use of the additional funding will be shared with all program members and the general public. An Affiliate Program member may request the additional funding be used to support a particular area of program research identified on the program’s website, or the program research of a named faculty member, as long as the faculty is identified on the program website as participating in the Affiliate Program. AI for Health is a Stanford University industrial affiliates program and is subject to university policies for such programs including openness in research, publication and broad sharing of results, and faculty freedom to pursue research topics and methodology of their choice. Please see the Stanford University Policies Affecting Industrial Affiliates Program Membership for more details.
Corporate engagement includes the following elements:
- Opportunity to contribute to the definition of a flagship research project involving multiple faculty and students
- Opportunity to send a Visiting Scholar to Stanford, subject to satisfying university requirements
- Faculty visits to the member company. Site presentations and all information, data and results arising from such visitation interactions will be shared with all members and the public.
- Participation on the AI for Health Board of Advisors
- Invitations to retreats and workshops
- Research seminar announcements
- Hosted visits to Stanford
- Student recruitment opportunities
- Discounted employee enrollments in select professional and technical courses from the Stanford Engineering Center for Global & Online Education
AI for Health researchers will use and develop open source software, and it is the intention of all AI for Health researchers that any software released will be released under an open source model, such as the BSD open source license. AI for Health is open to all Stanford faculty who share this goal.
For further information please contact Joseph Huang, Executive Director, at or see our Corporate Benefits Document. Also, visit the Computer Science Affiliate Programs website to learn more about the ideal collaboration for your organization.